Setup Instructions
An easy way for anyone to use this sentiment widget is to use
UTM parameters to visualize clicks in Google Analytics.
- First, make sure that you have Google Analytics set up for the site you are directing traffic to. If you want to use this method, it's very important that you are directing your users to a site that is set up with Google Analytics. For help on setting up Google Analytics for your site, click here.
- Once you have analytics set up and working on your site, the next step is to create your utm link. Try using Google's URL Builder Form to make this whole process easier. We recommend creating your link using the following guidelines:
- Campaign Source - This is a high level campaign name. We find it most helpful to put the name of your email list in this section (e.g., blogList).
- Campaign Medium - We recommend setting this to email.
- Campaign Term - Feel free to leave this blank.
- Campaign Content - This is the primary value you will be using to differentiate between positive responses and negative responses. We recommend you set this as negative for your negative link and positive for your positive link.
- Campaign Name - This is a name that should be used for a single specific email you plan on sending. In our case, we try and map this back to our subject line.
- Next up, go create your widget using the utm urls you just generated!
Analyzing Your Results:
After you send your first email that includes a sentiment widget, you'll probably be excited to start seeing results. As a quick note, when working with Google Analytics, you'll generally want to allow for 24 hours after you've sent your email to start seeing accurate results.
An easy way to begin to see how many people are clicking your sentiment links is to do the following in Google Analytics:
- In Google Analytics, select Acquisition > Overview > All Traffic > Channels from the left hand rail.
- Select Email from the resulting list.
- Next, select Campaign as the primary dimension.
- The last step is to select Ad Content as your secondary dimension, and then you should be able to search for your campaign/content combination in the resulting list.
If you have any questions about the
AWeber Blog, feel free to
contact us at any time.